Friday, November 9, 2007

For The Last Time...

I want every Democrat who considers the general stance of the GOP against illegal aliens as "immigrant bashing" to understand this.

If a person immigrates to this country illegally, they are an ILLEGAL ALIEN. They are not simply an "immigrant".

To label them as such is an insult to people like my mother and my grandparents, who did not break any laws when they came to this country. They came here legally from Brazil. If anyone knows the struggle of Latino immigrants coming to this country, I's very much in my blood. Most of these bleeding hearts could never relate.

By giving legitimacy to these illegal aliens, you're basically pissing on my family's legacy. Excuse me for the language, but that's what you people are doing. I will not stand for it. It's one thing to attack my ideology, it's another to insult my family's history.

If you doubt me, ask my mother...she'll tell you that she's insulted that you people want to piss on her doing the right thing, learning the English language on her own...because it was the language of the country, and becoming part of American society. Now, you people want to throw it all away by giving legitimacy to those who took the easy, illegal way out.

I normally don't get worked up like this, but you people are going beyond simple punditry on this with're hitting at the core of my being and attacking my blood.

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