Friday, June 22, 2007

A Conversation With a Soldier

My best friend and "brother from another mother", PO/3 Curt Cabot of the United States Navy, just came back from his tour of duty in Bahrain. His crew, simply put, ran cargo missions and troop deployment flights from Bahrain to Iraq.

After 15 minutes of talk about our families, his coming home on leave, and a bit of reminiscing...we got to talking about his deployment. Given the fact that I follow politics, and I can't help myself, I asked him the question of "do you honestly feel that this surge is starting to work?"

His response said it all: "It's already working. We're landing planes in places we could never land before. We've got more and more civilian support from the people in Iraq. Every week, my job got easier, I can tell you that much."

He had not heard Harry Reid's "we've lost" comments. When I told him what Reid said, Cabot replied, "Either he doesn't know what's going on over there, or he doesn't care. Either way, screw him. If he thinks we lost the war, maybe he can do better. I'd have no problem strapping him up in combat boots and a gun and sending him over there."

By the way, Cabot is probably one of the least politically-slanted people I know. As more of my friends and acquaintences come home from their tours, I'll try to get more comments from them. I feel that they can give us a good idea of whats really going on in Iraq.

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