Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dave Marsden = The Harvey Dent of Virginia Politics

I missed this from Too Conservative a couple of days ago, but it bears repeating.

Dave Marsden was positioning himself as a centrist (Warner-esque, I suppose) who was against big government and higher taxes (basically, a conservative Democrat) in his campaign for the special election in the 37th State Senate district. Now he's attacking Bob McDonnell (who ran on being against big government and higher taxes) in a recent mailer, and positioning himself as the man who will fight against McDonnell and his agenda. The worst part is, Marsden is sending the mailer to not only Dems, but to Independents and Republicans as know, the people who supported McDonnell just over a month ago.

This is the same man who worked to get Ken Cuccinelli get elected to the General Assembly, and then became a Democrat, won a seat in the House of Delegates, and is now challenging for Cuccinelli's vacated Senate seat. The man is literally Two-Face (hence the "Harvey Dent" reference, kids).

Steve Hunt may win the special election out of Marsden's sheer confusion.

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