Monday, July 2, 2007

McCain = Out?

That's what the "well-informed" rumor mill is saying, according to Mark Steyn at the National Review Online.

"I've had a couple of ostensibly well-informed e-mails suggesting that John McCain will quit the race in the next few days. He's supposed to be in Iraq this week, and presumably, whether he does call it quits or decides to press on, the second-quarter fundraising numbers are somewhere between bad and disastrous."

I'd imagine his fundraising numbers had to have been pretty bad, given he was one of the original proponents of the immigration bill that pretty much alienated him from the conservative base of the GOP, and thus alienated him from fundraising money. Combine that with the defection of many McCain supporters to Fred Thompson, and it's no wonder the outlook for McCain's fundraising numbers is bleak.

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