Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Off Politics for a Moment...

Common's newest album "Finding Forever" was released yesterday. There's a serious lack of good hip hop out there today. The last really good album released was "Hip Hop Is Dead" by Nas, which was back in December (and was far-and-away the best rap album of 2006). Support good hip hop music, buy Common's "Finding Forever".

As Steve "Flash" Juon said in his review..."Through it all there's Common rapping time and again - soft-spoken but hard-hitting, eloquent without being esoteric... While having nothing to prove at this point in his career, long since having had the doors of both Hollywood and the music industry opened wide for him to stroll through, Common still finds his inspiration in everyday life and proves that he's as relevant as ever if not moreso. 'Finding Forever' is the album one should play for people who say they don't like rap music - he will undoubtedly prove them wrong."

In my opinion, Common is one of the few who have been trying to save hip hop from the doldrums it has been wallowing in for some time, now.

Here's the full article/review by Juon, who is a very well-recognized hip hop critic.

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