Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Political Definition Map of a Different Kind

(h/t Barticles)

This is a decent map that shows you where you are in relation to other notable purveyors of political viewpoints. Instead of "left" or "right" wing, it's "North, South, East, West, etc..." Pretty interesting.

Here's what it said about me...

"NW-You would feel most at home in the Northwest region. You advocate a large degree of economic and personal freedom. Your neighbors include folks like Ayn Rand, Jesse Ventura, Milton Friedman, and Drew Carey, and may refer to themselves as "classical liberals," "libertarians," "market liberals," "old whigs," "objectivists," "propertarians," "agorists," or "anarcho-capitalist." "

Sounds about right. I'm a free-marketeer :) I was actually less "north" and "west" than the rest of those people listed...which places me closer to traditional conservatives than those listed in that description of my answers.

Click here to take the test. As Bart Hinkle said, don't skip the introduction.

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