Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Immigration Bill Slowly Derailing

Washington Times - "Illegals bill hits Senate roadblock"

A sign of good things to come? Well, if you're against this immigration bill, it is. The Democrats and the Republicans are both bickering over this piece of virtual amnesty. Democrats are accusing Republicans of obstructing the process in order to kill the bill (hey, not a bad idea, says I), and Republicans are accusing Democrats of attempting to "stuff" them and force a vote before substantial debate and discussion has taken place. Apparently, today and tomorrow will be key days in whether or not this gets pushed through.

Hopefully, Senate Republicans (and sensible Democrats, if there are any) simply turn around and say "you know what, this bill is not right for America and we're not supporting it."

By the way, Virginia's senators have both been quiet on this...neither one has really stepped up and gotten vocal on this issue.

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