Monday, August 6, 2007

Iraq, You Break

Ok, the title doesn't make too much sense compared to what I'm saying, but it goes back to an old joke and I couldn't get it out of my head...but I digress.

We're less than 60 days away from receiving the "Petraeus Report" that will determine the course of action we will take in regards to the post-war occupation of Iraq. Now that we know that the Dems are anxious about what a positive report could do to the party's stance on the whole occupation, it's time we start laying out the paths that we can take to end this deal.

A Positive Report will lead to further military action, no doubt about it. In fact, we should start looking at building upon "what has worked" and capitalize on that. In the meanwhile, efforts should be made at bringing the different sects of the Iraqi government back together to form some kind of a functional body of government. In fact, this would be a good time to implement my strategy for fixing Iraq to a suitable condition.

A Negative Report will probably be the last straw for fixing Iraq. We will then have to consider leaving Iraq and focus more on national security within our borders for the time-being. However, making a timetable for withdrawal public would be a poor course of action. Of course we don't want our enemies knowing that we're leaving. Just starting bringing troops home, but keep our forces ready if the situation improves due to outside effects (such as the Iraqi government getting their stuff together).

A Mixed Report is dependent upon what the Iraqi government's situation is looking like at the time. If it is something that is worth salvaging, we attempt to salvage it. If their government refuses to cooperate with efforts to get the nation up-and-running again...then it's time we start to leave.

Since the left swears the surge is not working, and the right swears it is...the only real person we can trust to give us the truth is General Petraeus. Then we will have a much better idea of the situation that is going on over there.

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