Thursday, August 9, 2007

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! A Pot and a Kettle Debate!

So "Kos" and Harold Ford, Jr. are going on Meet The Press to debate the future of the Democratic Party. I'm just wondering how much of this is going to involve attracting voters for positive causes, i.e. courting moderates and opposed to simply defeating and degrading those dastardly Republicans by talking about how evil they are.

Seriously, I want know how they plan to court the swing vote (and maybe even some conservatives) in 2008? I mean, is it going to be a continuation of the "Republicans are corrupt, warmongering, hatemongering, evil evil evil!" banter that we hear from the liberal blogs? Or, are we going to hear a positive, dare I say enticing, agenda for the future? For the past several years, all I've seen is the former, and very little of the latter...which has been like gasoline on the fire of divisive politics. If the Democrats want to become this "big tent" party, as they have claimed to be...they need to turn their political tact in the opposite direction.

Then again, given their track records, I'm not sure that either of these men would be the ones to do it.

(h/t Blue NoVa)

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