Sunday, November 18, 2007

I Hope This Is a Joke

I received a forwarded e-mail asking people not to accept this coin as legal tender.

If you can't tell, the motto "In God We Trust" is not on this coin.
Now, whether this is some kind of collectors coin, fake coin, or something else, I don't know...but I do not believe that the phrase should be taken off the coin. Should this be true (and I hope it isn't), I encourage people not to accept it as legal tender to force it out of circulation.


Carl Kilo said...

I would suggest you look again. In God We Trust is on every one of those coins Phil.

Phil Chroniger said...

As I said, I hope I'm wrong...I got the gist from the e-mail sent to me that this coin is not yet in circulation.

Or, it's a fake.

Anonymous said...

It's not a fake, but the larger picture on the face of the coin forced the Mint to move "In God We Trust" and "E Pluribus Unum" to be inscribed on the edge of each coin. See more here:$1coin/

Phil Chroniger said...

Ah, well that explains it. Thanks Old Zach.